Sunday, 27 April 2014

Happy 20th Birthday Rainbow Nation!

For the longest time ever, I’ve always had a yearning in my heart to turn back the hands of time. I wanted to find myself in the height of apartheid, so I can feel what my people felt. Moreover, I wanted to be an activist and lend a helping hand in the liberation of the people of South Africa but I often wonder, “Would I have been able to withstand detention? Torture? Jail? Exile? Being an MK vet’? Leaving my family for years & not knowing whether I will see them again?”

I love this nation, its history and the potential it has for future generations, but it saddens me that many of the youth won’t take up the time to just relive the hardships of the former regime through literature. Since I was about 10, I’ve always tried to get in as much about our past as possible. I believe it has made me stronger and braver. It enabled me not to take this  freedom lightly, blood flowed in order for us to get this far. People are scarred for life now, because they wanted a better life for future generations. 

We will forever be thankful to the ANC, PAC, Black Consciousness Movement, student organizations, several armed wings of the political parties, mothers who hid their children from the security branch and all the Struggle Heroes. Their commitment to bring down the racist regime has given us a beautiful new world in which we get to express ourselves fully. 

To all all those heroes & all citizens of this wonderful land, I say, Happy Freedom Day! AMANDLA!

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