Wednesday, 26 March 2014

11 Ways to Tell if Your Lover Loves You

Relationships. One human quality that no one can survive without. Sure you can be alone, but not for long because you will need others to co-exist. This particularly takes me back to the days of solitary confinement, during those days of oppression. The old regime would banish you to a strange area and most times be on your own just to break your spirit. Some comrades start experiencing hallucinations, and noises. Fortunately, that did not stop them from liberating us and we are really thankful, but this is not the reason for this post.

When you are in a relationship, there are certain gestures that will tell you whether your partner is in to you or not. In my case, the way my girlfriend would stare at me and listen attentively will tell me how much she loves me. For others it is through actions and through material possessions. Each of us have different ways of knowing what our partners think of our love. Want to find out more? Then head over here and take note of the eleven tips that will guide you in your search of authenticity.

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